
Written by Bojan Gavrovski CEO/Software Developer
Thursday August 01 2024 4 min. read

Hi there you. This thing, that you are looking at right now is our new website. Of course, this is not our first website, we had couple of those before, but believe us, they were not as cool as this one. What follows is the story of how we got from “there” to “here-and-now”, but also a story of the things we learned along the way.

About the last 5 years

You might say that five years is not that long, but for us the last five have been a real rollercoaster ride, and at times it kinda feels like it’s been at least ten (we even have the battle scars to prove it). The last website was created to promote Beyond Basics to the outside world at a time when the company was not doing so great. We were struggling to find clients, and the ones that we had were barely covering our base salaries. Most people from the old “band” left because it looked like the company was living its last days.

We reached out to our family and friends and some of them managed to push some work our way, enough to keep us going. By that time the team was already lean so moving fast was not an issue. After a while, we managed to get our head above the water, and we even opened our doors for new employees. Some of them experienced, and some of them complete beginners.

This led us to the moment when we finally got our break. We got a couple of good clients that let us take our breath, and we started thinking about the future. Thinking about what our goals were, what were the things that we were doing right and what was not working. We introduced new technologies and stacks and updated our company hardware. We got rid of some bad habits and practices. All in all, these five years were educational, humbling, and made us value the important things in life. We now have representatives in 4 different countries. We don’t want to think of this as a big deal. It only means that in four different countries there is a person that will take the call and meet with you, talk to you, get the requirements and hopefully be your point of contact with us. You might wonder why this is important to us. It’s because in the last 5 years, the only thing that kept us going was that human connection. Connection to our clients, our colleagues, and our families. Now, we want to extend that through our representatives.

We are yet to open our first office abroad, but who knows, maybe by the time the next website is up that will happen too. Till then, if you are in Melbourne, Berlin, Amsterdam, or Stockholm, drop us a line, let’s have a drink and talk about the ways we can be of service to you.

The team is bigger and better than ever

Building a good team proved to be one of the right decisions that we made at the beginning of this 5 year ride. We chose the brightest, nicest, and most talented people we could get our hands on to be a part of Beyond Basics. Some of them were already experienced, and some of them were total newbies. Of course, there are people that left, chasing new opportunities. To them we say good luck, and to the ones that are still with us, we say THANK YOU.

We are not a family. That’s such a wrong approach to describing ourselves. We like calling ourselves a team, but in a sense that would be oversimplifying. Here everyone knows their position, does their best, helps their teammates, and grows together.

Is there a “right formula” for doing things?

Who knows, maybe there is but we sure don’t know it. The things we did did not come from a book, a podcast, a seminar, or a Ted Talk. If there is one thing I can say we’ll not regret doing, is being open and thankful. Open to communicate, open for suggestions, open to give and receive help. Sometimes you’ll hear things that you might not like, but that’s way better than hearing only things that you like, or even nothing at all.

Be open and thankful, start there.

Till the next one

Let’s not jinx it, but I hope that the next one is going to be at least one ladder higher than this one on all scales. Change is the single certain thing in our lives. We have our goals for the next 5, and great goals demand great sacrifices. But we are ready!

Till the next one, we bet on ourselves…

The SAAS is dead. Long live the SAAS next post